Trikonasana Yoga (Triangle pose)

Trikonasana Yoga (Triangle pose) 

 Trikona” means “Three angles” and “Asana” means “Pose” in Sanskrit. This asana looks like the triangle shape so it is called as Trikonasana. This asana stretches the muscles and improves the functions of the body. This is a good exercise for pregnant women.


Steps for Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

1.     First to stand by keeping distance between two feet as shown in the above image.
2.   Now turn your right leg at around 90 degrees as shown in fig.
3.   While inhaling raise both hands in the upward direction in such a way that they will be parallel to the ground and palms facing downwards.
4.  Now bend at right side while exhaling and your left hand facing towards the ceiling and right hand touching your right toe.
5.  Keep your eyes facing towards the ceiling (towards the left palm) and do not bend forward or backward. 
6.  Keep inhaling deeply and while exhaling relax the body more and more.
7.  Stay for 1-2 minutes in this posture.
8.  Now inhale and get back to the original position.

Do this every day.

Repeat 3-5 times from both sides.
Benefits of Trikonasana (Triangle pose)

1.       Stimulate and improve the function of blood through the entire body.

2.       Strengthens and stretches the hips, back, arms, thighs, and leg.

3.       Reduces blood pressure, stress, and anxiety.

4.       The cure for indigestion.

5.       Gives flexibility to groins, hamstrings, and hips.

6.       Transactional calm the mind.

7.       Stimulate the function of the kidney.

8.       Helps to remove fats from the waist and thighs.
9.       This asana improves the balance and increases concentration.

It's helpful for pregnant women

Pregnant women should take care of her balance. You can take the support of a wall to maintain the balance.

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